Do you struggle with maintaining your own mental health and overall health at work and in life? Are you confused about what it means to increase your team’s wellbeing and the ways to do it? Are you ready to commit with action to improving your wellbeing and the wellbeing of your team? Our special guest Lee Chambers (UK) answers these questions and many others as we explore all things workplace wellbeing. Lee is an environmental psychologist, a wellbeing consultant and coach, a speaker, and the Founder of Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing. Most important, Lee is a self-proclaimed renegade and he’ll be sharing tangible ways to enhance your organizational and personal wellbeing by integrating work, life and leadership.
The Impact Leadership Podcast is brought to you by Cardivera, the leadership development eco-system that helps your grow your people, grow your business and grow your life.
Show Notes
In this episode you’ll learn…
- That we grow through most through challenges
- It’s vital to lead yourself first including your own wellbeing
- The impact and path to authentic leadership as a vital wellbeing tool
- That people follow the message, not the messenger
- Why leader vulnerability is essential to improve your culture and environment
- The importance of leaders creating a clear vision and enrolling the team members in that vision
- That wellbeing relates to environment, physical health (including sleep, nutrition, exercise, etc.) and leadership dynamics such as trust, communication and engagement
- The future of work and life will heavily depend on the wellbeing of people and teams
- That leadership today and in the future demands a more human approach
- The truth that everybody is a leader … “To lead is to be human”
- That wellbeing in the workplaces creates wellbeing in the world
- The importance of creating a culture where everyone feels empowered to lead
- A lack of humanity from leaders creates a lack of trust and safety
- When it comes to positional leaders, people buy you (or don’t)
- That people want a leader that’s present (not one with charisma)
- That people want leaders who are willing to vulnerably and genuinely listen (so they feel heard) which is the foundation of wellbeing in an organization
- The ways that humanity skills will always beat leadership skills
- That leaders are a conduit for others to evolve
- That if you empower your people to create and innovate, they’ll amaze you
- That if you’re the leader driving the organization bus, they want to make sure that you’re taking care of your wellbeing
- A vital leadership way of being is self-awareness and the willingness to ask and answer the hard self-focused questions
- That position and title don’t make you a leader (leadership is the ways you show up in position and title)
- It’s critical to explore and solve your leadership gaps and blind spots
Special Guest

Lee Chambers
Founder of Essentialise Workplace Wellbeing
Your Hosts

Jeff Nischwitz
Author, speaker, coach, consultant, and
Chief SHIFT Officer of Cardivera

Craig Mathews
Strategist, innovator, consultant, and
CEO of Cardivera
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