We’re excited about our special guest, Mark LeBlanc, who’s here today to share his approach, mindset and tactics about staying in gear despite the coronavirus pandemic. Mark is a national speaker, coach, author and three-time Camino de Santiago pilgrim who has over 38 years of business development experience to share with us. Starting when he was inspired by the words “You’re Fired” at age 21, Mark has now been selling and succeeding in second gear for his entire life. Mark will be sharing with us the details of how he does it and simple ways that all of you can stay in gear and achieve great outcomes, especially during the coronavirus challenge. The Impact Leadership Podcast is brought to you by Cardivera, the leadership development ecosystem that helps your grow your people, grow your business and grow your life.
Show Notes
Why there’s never been a better time to be on your own, even now with the coronavirus.
Why consistency beats commitment and is the key to success.
Why the secret to sales success is staying in gear (even if only second gear).
The three tracks of every business and why they matter.
Specific strategies to help you not only survive, but thrive through the coronavirus pandemic.
Mark’s vital business and life lesson from his most recent 500 mile journey on the Camino de Santiago … RESOLVE!
The Lean Start Up by Eric Ries
Mastering the Complex Sale by Jeff Thull
Selling the Dream by Guy Kawasaki
Cardivera – The Leadership Development Ecosystem
Special Guest

Mark LeBlanc
Speaker, Author, Coach, and Camino Pilgrim
Your Hosts

Jeff Nischwitz
Author, speaker, coach, consultant, and
Chief SHIFT Officer of Cardivera

Craig Mathews
Strategist, innovator, consultant, and
CEO of Cardivera
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