Episode 12 – Your Personal Growth Formula: Getting Into Meaningful Action to Change Yourself and Your Outcomes

In this episode Craig Mathews and Jeff Nischwitz share ideas on the important role of a personal growth plan for anyone who wants to have more impact. Craig and Jeff will be talking about a formula for personal growth, including the foundational need for a meaningful why behind your desired outcomes. They also talk about a process for personal growth and support that assures success. The Impact Leadership Podcast is brought to you by Cardivera, the leadership development eco-system that helps your grow your people, grow your business and grow your life.

Show Notes

In this episode you’ll learn …

  • The vital importance of starting with a meaningful why
  • The critical need to always stay in gear – consistent action beats commitment every day
  • To embrace celebration as part of your growth efforts (including even small steps)
  • First get clear on who you want to be as a person and leader
  • To think big and act small to achieve desired change
  • Building your personal growth muscles through the pain of change
  • Embracing failure and setbacks as part of the journey to growth
  • The reality that growth and change always happens in small steps
  • Personal growth is a team sport and requires support along the way
  • The importance of prioritizing (and periodically re-prioritizing) your personal growth plans
  • Meaningful personal growth requires inside motivation (not external stimulation)


Your Hosts

Jeff Nischwitz

Author, speaker, coach, consultant, and
Chief SHIFT Officer of Cardivera

Craig Mathews

Strategist, innovator, consultant, and
CEO of Cardivera