Are you looking for ways to grow and scale your business? Are you struggling with the many challenges of entrepreneurship? Do you want new ideas and mindsets for your entrepreneurial journey?
Our special guest Jan Cavelle answers these and other questions about entrepreneurship, business growth, and scaling your business.
Jan Cavelle is an entrepreneur of entrepreneurs from the UK who has a few decades of running micro and small businesses behind her. She is very familiar with all the challenges that go with that, having started one from the kitchen table when her children were small and she was a single mother, to go on to build that into a multi-million business.
Jan has put her entrepreneurial experiences together with her passion for writing into a book aimed at helping entrepreneurs grow their businesses during the big leap from $1 to $10 million. Jan’s book is called Scale for Success and is currently available in the UK, with an early July publication in the United States and Australia.
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Show Notes
Episode highlights…
- Understanding what it means to scale a business
- Start your business being clear on your why and where you want the business to go
- The vital role of systems early in your business
- The difference between growing your business and scaling your business
- Key questions to answer early in your business: 1. Why am I getting into this business? 2. What do I want out of this business? 3. What kind of business do I want? 4. What kind of life do I want with this business?
- The importance of getting clear on your market early in your business
- Beware the sales and marketing gap in your business
- Understanding the time realities in entrepreneurship
- Using a book for authority and rapport building
- The difference between your goals and knowing where you’re going
- The critical role mindset in business growth and success
- Mental health challenges in entrepreneurship
- Understanding resilience and its role in business leadership
- Key entrepreneur’s question: What are you willing to give up in order to build and scale your business?
- Avoiding burnout as entrepreneurs and business owners
- Don’t do anything because other people are doing it – do what’s right for you
Special Guest

Jan Cavelle
Serial Entrepreneur and author of Scale for Success
Your Hosts

Jeff Nischwitz
Author, speaker, coach, consultant, and
Chief SHIFT Officer of Cardivera

Craig Mathews
Strategist, innovator, consultant, and
CEO of Cardivera
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