Are you a trauma survivor? Have you experienced trauma in your life that you wondered if you could ever overcome? Are you still carrying around the emotional impacts of your life trauma? Are you looking for tools to help you navigate through your trauma and perhaps shame? Our special guest Eunice Nuna is a rape survivor and she’s here to answer these and many other questions about thriving and healing from trauma.
Eunice is an intuitive Psychosocial Counselor and empathetic storyteller, speaker, mentor and life coach. Eunice graduated with a degree in counseling Psychology from Africa Nazarene University and is currently pursuing a Masters in Peace and Development.
Most important, Eunice is a thriving survivor of rape and sexual violence, which led her to found and now lead Wounded Healer of Kenya. Eunice was raped by a police officer in Kenya who is now a high ranking public official. The rape also left Eunice pregnant with her son and cast out by her family. Living on the streets and struggling to survive, Eunice found a way to continue her education and get her degree. Due to threats in Kenya, she has come to the United States seeking asylum. She’s not safe in Kenya because she’s speaking out against the culture of sexual violence and the man who raped her.
Eunice now shares stories of women survivors of sexual violence, who are thriving, liberated and passionate to end the cycle of sexual violence. She also equips survivors to grow in self-dependency, leadership and healing through her gift of counseling. Eunice is dedicated to giving all children and women the ability to protect themselves against all types of violence including gender-based and sexual violence.
Listen in as Eunice shares her story and her wisdom and experience on overcoming, healing and resilience.
The Impact Leadership Podcast is brought to you by Cardivera, the leadership development eco-system that helps you grow your people, grow your business and grow your life.
Show Notes:
Episode highlights…
- Eunice’s story of overcoming the trauma of rape and shame
- Leading by sharing your story (without position or permission)
- Starting a non-profit without resources or support
- What is means to live with a passion for helping others
- Eunice’s experience of raising a child while living on the streets and later getting her college degree
- Resilience is a muscle that must be strengthened
- The importance of self-awareness and believing in yourself
- Self-care is vital
- Fun (intentional fun) is an important part of resilience
- Resilience includes having relationships with positive people
- The importance of setting and holding boundaries
- Serving others is a key to resilience
- It’s important to let air out of your beach balls of life to relieve the pressure
- You can’t avoid or push down the pain of trauma for very long – you must be intentional in feeling the pain
- The ways we hide behind masks in the United States
- Resilience is not about being tough (you can only be tough so long)
- Overcoming discouragement even from your own family
- Purpose is critical to resilience (clear vision for your future)
- Ask yourself, “How do I live my purpose today?” or “How did I live my purpose today?”
- Resilience + purpose creates resourcefulness
Special Guest

Eunice Nuna
Intuitive psychosocial counselor and empathetic storyteller, speaker, mentor and life coach
Your Hosts

Jeff Nischwitz
Author, speaker, coach, consultant, and
Chief SHIFT Officer of Cardivera

Craig Mathews
Strategist, innovator, consultant, and
CEO of Cardivera
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