Do you want more joy in your life and leadership? Are you spending your days just focused on getting things done? Are you having fun along the way of your journey? Do you regularly celebrate (really celebrate) for yourself and others? Our special guest Sebastien Roger de Nunez (Lisbon, Portugal) will be offering you ideas, perspective shifts and tools to accelerate your life, leadership and joy.
Sebastien is a transformational speaker, coach and trainer, and the Founder of The Thought Leader Academy, which focuses on helping leaders scale income, impact and fun. Notably, he speaks 12 languages. He’s also given several TEDX talks and coaches people on securing and giving TEDX talks. Sebastien will be sharing many tangible ways to enhance your leadership and achieve what you desire from life.
The Impact Leadership Podcast is brought to you by Cardivera, the leadership development eco-system that helps your grow your people, grow your business and grow your life.
Show Notes
Episode highlights:
- The vital role of motivation in achieving your goals and desired outcomes
- The Anglo-Saxon influence (U.S., UK, Australia, etc.) on leadership around the world which is highly individualistic (i.e. “you can do it” or “I can do it”)
- The ways that money is often seen as “bad” if you have too much
- Money is not the destination – it’s the fuel for the journey
- Beware of the trap of “once I get there” I’ll have the money, the impact, the fun, etc.
- The empowerment that comes from shifting from “I have to” to “I want to” – take the “I have to” items off your list
- The ways that “I have to” actually lessen the chance that you’ll actually do it
- The important role that perspectives play in your leadership and life experience
- Stop talking about how much you want to do something and do it … and stop suffering if you think or talk about it
- The powerless that comes when you talk about what you want to do without taking action towards it
- The culturization of negative motivation – if I feel bad enough about something I’ll be motivated to take action to make myself feel better (which is more suffering than fun)
- The importance of embracing celebration in our lives – not just results but who you are
- The importance of regularly looking back to see and celebrate what you’ve already achieved
- Finding more joy while on the journey (not just at the destination) – joy is a practice and a choice (not a result)
- Joy is an emotional volcano and it’s contagious
- It’s important to slow down enough to take the time to really celebrate
- The importance of integrating and balancing the old sage, the adult and the child – Wisdom of the old sage – Adult makes sure things get done – Child lives fully, celebrates and lives in joy and fun
- The ways that our desire for control limits celebration, joy and fun (and kill the child in us)
Special Guest

Scaling Income, Impact & Fun for Coaches at The Thought Leadership Academy
Your Hosts

Jeff Nischwitz
Author, speaker, coach, consultant, and
Chief SHIFT Officer of Cardivera

Craig Mathews
Strategist, innovator, consultant, and
CEO of Cardivera
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